Why are we not seeing this all over the news? So when you have guests on your air who tell everyone these are mainly peaceful protests, anchors are and reporters are equipped with knowledge of the facts - ie: the truth. As a journalist, this is our. OST basic responsibility. https://twitter.com/mrandyngo/status/1267003300131385348
A journalists job is to see the whole truth - not be blindsided by political spin or blinded by your own bias. What is happening with Antifa has NOTHING to do with George Floyd or any other victim of injustice. It is an organised political agenda that uses violence to terrorize.
Journalists and guests who pretend these acts of violence are over-blown are blind to the reality of what is happening because they are ignoring the obvious evidence right on front of our eyes. Professional agitators scream about killing all cops - black, white, Hispanic etc
Don’t tKe my word for it - read their manuals and websites and ask them yourself as I did. They do not hide it - their slogan is “All Cops Are Bastards” - ACBA - it is spraypainted all over the areas they vandalize. So is this one: “All Good Cops are Bad Cops”.
Why are journalists not asking who is paying them, who is organizing them? Who is communicating with them? And why? Who are the political and media figures helping them? Those people are also hiding behind the full face masks Antifa ALWAYS WEAR.
You can follow @laralogan.
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