PSA to demonstrators in San Antonio: I don't care what "side" you're on, if you block the street while I'm taking my wife to the hospital to deliver our daughter, I WILL run your ass over and not bat an eye. She could go into labor at any time now, & I'm not playing with ANYONE.
Had a scare last night and thought Izzy might be on her way--that was the first thought that came into my mind, and I was VERY comfortable with that mental state. See a big maroon Honda coming through, make like a tree and move tf out of the way. Or be roadkill. IDGAF 😂
I don't tweet for likes/follows (perish the thought),but I do try to follow back anyone kind/crazy enough to follow my little account. Hit a follow-back limit today, but I'll get to all y'all as soon as I'm allowed. Appreciate all the well-wishes. Quite overwhelming and humbling.
You can follow @TbirdTr3y_10.
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