i try to not be gloomy on here, so i avoid political grandstanding about how it's bad that awful things are happening. but i felt like making a few Political Comments

so here's a thread. not discussing any gruesome details here, just talking about ... ideology i guess
i've seen some people make comments on how like "you'd have to be mentally ill to be a cop" and though they're bad for obvious reasons - it paints all mentally ill ppl as evil - i get what they're going for: to do this, you'd have to be fundamentally "off", lacking in empathy ...
... but it's also just wrong. cops are NORMAL people performing LEARNED behaviors. minds are malleable. it's very possible to make normal people do horrifying things, as long as you give them a mental framing that makes their action morally good or neutral
racism has been consciously used like that, for the sake of colonialism and capitalism, for hundreds of years now. "we SHOULD do all this, because it's better for those people in the end". as well as countless other political/religious ideologies
but like cops, racists et al aren't special in any way - everyone has a world view of some sort, to give context to the things you do. you can't function without it. and these people do have a consistent world view - the issue is it's based in immoral and untrue "axioms"
the reason The Boomers hate the police when they have to be quarantined, but then love them for beating up protestors, is because they believe the police exists to enforce the social hierarchy: making sure We have all the rights whereas They should be kept from getting them
this is how many cops think too. so YOU CAN'T REASON WITH THESE PEOPLE. you can't meet them half-way because their idea of the world is fundamentally incompatible with any reasonable one. the only way to stop this ideology is to take away the power of the people who have it
so i support the riots

also, ACAB doesn't mean every cop's a murder machine, it means all police are complicit in letting the system, that allows this wanton murder and violence to keep happening, to keep going ("blue wall of silence")

so ACAB also
another big problem with cops is it's a job like any other, i.e. voluntary. and people pick jobs based on like, if they like doing the day-to-day tasks of the job. so a LOT of cops are ppl who WANT TO do "police stuff": shouting at people, roughing them up, or worse
that's an extremely bad situation to be in!!! those people don't make good cops, for obvious reasons.

so i personally think the police should just conscript ppl like the military, to make sure the cops don't ENJOY doing "police stuff" to citizens
end of thread. thank u for reading. going back 2 writing limericks now
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