Ok I’m going to say it.

Tweeps that voice opinions about rockets that end up killing people(and children) in Tripoli aren’t voicing political opinions you morons

this is beyond political ideologies it’s murdering innocent civilians.
Idgaf about your silly political ideologies.
Civilians aren’t collateral damage.

Rejecting civilian death is not a political position and I can not believe this needs spelling out.
Disclaimers apply, these are all my own personal opinions and no one else’s.
The roundabout that was targeted in Tripoli has a park where people take their kids. I used to drive by this park everyday on the way to and from work. https://twitter.com/aminalhashmi1/status/1267110270385741824?s=21 https://twitter.com/aminalhashmi1/status/1267110270385741824
Another video of one of the children who was injured from this attack retelling what happened.

I don’t agree with sticking a mic to his face after he went through something so traumatic but his testimony broke my heart https://twitter.com/AmrFatihalla/status/1267197860908535810?s=20
I hate performative tweets of other people’s pain and suffering but I’m at a loss + heavy heart towards my city/family/friends going through this + silencing of voices due to the political atmosphere+ polluted online space.
But we really need to have an open conversation about attacking people for voicing concern and rejection of civilian casualties in an active conflict zone.

I feel the discourse about it has been distorted and left to go down a really twisted path that has confused people.
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