Non-violence is a tactic/strategy. Not an ideology.
Being anti-violence means destroying the tools of violence.

I've been getting a lot of messages, so I want to help esp non-Black people understand what you're seeing so you can talk about it with your family (& then mobilize).
In Chicago ~6 police cars were set ablaze & banks/chain restaurants were destroyed. So, who became unsafe by the damage of inanimate objects, tool & symbols of violence?

Bc I can tell you exactly who (humans, not objects) that feel unsafe & are harmed by banks and cops.
Tell me, who was looting? Was it the homeless person who was able to walk into a destroyed Starbucks and have his first meal at 10pm? Why didn’t you feed him? If you think the state keeps people safe, why did the state not feed him and shelter him in the middle of a pandemic?
Above all violence is the state that killed George Floyd & continues to murder, surveille, exploit, & oppress Black & brown ppl every day, globally. Promoting violence would be defending the state & regurgitating their words & frameworks for operating & not thinking for yourself.
What is more liberatory, more anti-violent, than reducing the ability of violence to occur (i.e. by the destruction of an inanimate police car, etc)?
Doing nothing in a moment like this is enabling & promoting violence. Never once let the state frame your very sense of reality.
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