Whenever I get engrossed in my personal twitter account, I tend to forget this one exists because I have everything set to auto post so let me make things unequivocally clear: #BlackLivesMatter . I’ve posted/RT’d info on my personal account but want to post some things here.
First and foremost! If you are unable to go out and protest there are some places you can donate to help: https://twitter.com/mnfreedomfund/status/1265735264242225152
Also for donating: https://twitter.com/seanmiura/status/1266399116797468673
This is a great thread on petitions to sign, BLM organizations to donate to, how to contact states to demand justice (with a script!), organizations to follow, and so so much more. https://twitter.com/kiesdaya/status/1265782360252887040
Take an hour out of your day to watch this video by @thatonequeen and @Peppermint247 to help understand why saying #BlackLivesMatter matters:
White Gays SPECIFICALLY: this is our time to to help the black community. Don’t you DARE open your mouth to say anything negative about the riots. The only reason you’re able to enjoy your circuit parties to get your hole decimated every Fri-Sun is because of the Stonewall RIOTS.
R I O T S. You don’t get to now decide you’re against rioting because it doesn’t directly effect you (WHICH IT DOES). So either put up or shut up. No one fucking cares how you feel about to poor widdle defenseless Target.
White people SPECIFICALLY: I will literally stab you with your All Lives Matter bullshit. All lives can’t matter until #BlackLivesMatter . Also stop with saying POC in your statements. This is specifically about BLACK PEOPLE BEING MURDERED. POC is not a replacement for Black.
If you want to get mad at ANYONE for the looting/rioting/whatever the fuck you deem more important than the livelihood of Black people then get mad at the fucking cops who think military gear/hoses/tear gas is an appropriate response to peaceful protests.
Get mad at the cops who are sending officers undercover to start mayhem and then attack Black people like they’re the ones who started it. Get mad at the cops who are FUCKING KILLING BLACK PEOPLE FOR SIMPLY EXISTING.
Get mad at the White Supremacists who are trying to change the narrative of what the Black Community is and HAS been fighting for. But fuck you if you are going to try and put this on the Black Community when literally all they are doing is trying to SURVIVE.
Do NOT bug your Black friends with trivial bullshit on how you can help. Google is free to all. This website you are viewing this thread on is free to all. You can use these tools to FIND THIS SHIT OUT FOR YOURSELF. They’re dealing with more than enough to stop and help you.
The Black community can only do so much to fight the oppression they’ve been subject to for HUNDREDS of years. It’s up to the rest of us to SHUT UP, LISTEN, AND SUPPORT the Black Community at this time.
Now go out and protest, donate, hold your MAGAt relatives accountable. CALL OUT RACISM WHEN YOU SEE IT. Silence is Violence.
You can follow @veronicamarspod.
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