Drop your PayPal/Cashapp/Ko-fi below.

Pay them.

The amount of emotional labor from black folk this week has been through the roof. I’m deadass about this.

Show them some support if you can. This is taxing all over for black folk.

Let’s go.
I’ll add my stuff too but support anyone who replied. Period. 

I am waiting for the inevitable “WHY ARE YOU ASKING FOR MONEY.” crying comments.

Because y’all asses will scream at black people to tell you how to be better white folk & expect us to give you that labor for free when you should just BE BETTER.

Black folk are exhausted.
We have to do sooooooo much just to get this fucked up world to understand our pain and, even then, folks STILL don’t get it.

So fuck it.
If you want our labor — PAY. US.

Or do the damn work without having a black person explain it to you. We done with that.

Thank you to EVERYONE who stepped up to support black folk. Keep that same energy as we go into Pride month.

Keep boosting and showing how much you care for black folk! ✊🏾🖤
Black folk, keep those links coming! And if you are a non-black person who is in the position to help someone in these comments, do so. ✊🏾🖤
You can follow @CriticalBard.
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