#Antifa can be traced to the “united front” of the #SovietUnion’s Communist International (Comintern) during the Third World Congress in #Moscow in June and July 1921, according to the German booklet “80 Years of Anti-Fascist Action” by Bernd Langer, published by…
…the Association for the Promotion of Anti-Fascist Culture.

Langer is a former member of the Autonome Antifa, formerly one of #Germany’s largest #Antifa organizations, which disbanded in 2004. http://antifaeu.blogsport.de/images/80J_AA_web.pdf
The idea of the united front strategy was to bring together left-wing organizations in order to incite #Communist revolution.

The Soviets believed that following #Russia’s revolution in 1917, #Communism would next spread to #Germany.
It was at the Fourth World Congress of the Comintern in 1922 that the plan took shape. #Moscow formed the slogan “To the Masses” for its united front strategy and sought to join together the various #Communist and workers’ parties of #Germany under a single ideological banner.
“The ‘unified front’ thus did not mean an equal cooperation between different organizations, but the dominance of the workers’ movement by the communists,” Langer writes.
In #Germany, Adolf #Hitler became head of the Nazi Party, and mounted a coup attempt in 1923.

The KPD decided to use the banner of #AntiFascism to form a movement. Langer notes, though, that to the KPD, the ideas of “fascism” and “anti-fascism” were “undifferentiated.”
Both the #Communist and #Fascist systems were based in collectivism and state-planned economies. Both also proposed systems wherein the individual was heavily controlled by a powerful state, and both were responsible for large-scale atrocities and genocide.
While leftist extremists claim to be fighting “ #Fascism” while launching their attacks on other groups, the report states the term “fascism” has a double meaning under the extreme-left ideology, indicating the “fight against the capitalist system.”
This held true from the beginning, according to Langer. For the #Communists in #Germany, “anti-fascism” merely meant “anti-capitalism.” He notes the labels merely served as “battle concepts” under a “political vocabulary.”
“They argue that the capitalist state produces fascism, or at least tolerates it…anti-fascism is directed not only against actual or supposed right-wing extremists, but also always against the state and its representatives, in particular members of the security authorities.”
Langer notes that historically, by labeling the anti-capitalist interests of the #Communist movement as “anti-fascism,” the KPD was able to use this rhetoric to label all other political parties as #Fascist.
Langer notes that from the beginning, the KPD was a member of the Comintern, and “within a few years, it became a Stalinist party,” both ideologically and logistically. He states that it even became “financially dependent on the Moscow headquarters.”
Leaders of the KPD, with #Antifa as their on-the-ground movement for violence and intimidation of rival political parties, fell under the command of the #Soviet apparatus.
Many KPD leaders would later become leaders in the communist German Democratic Republic, including of its infamous Ministry for State Security, the Stasi.

As Langer states, “anti-fascism is a strategy rather than an ideology.”
“It was brought into play in Germany in the 1920s by the KPD”, not as a legitimate movement against the #Fascism that would later arise in #Germany, but instead “as an anti-capitalist concept of struggle,” he writes.

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