At the time when Afro-Americans in USA could not use the same toilets or sit in the same restaurants with white Americans, around 150,000 Serbs gathered in Belgrade to protest European colonisation of Africa and murder of the first Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.
One Dorm (for students) in Belgrade is still named after Patrice Lumumba and many of African students can still be seen at University of Belgrade
Racial=/= ethnic problems, this is the difference Alicia lacks to see and we here on Balkans are sick of those weatern "Balkan experts" with no real clue about situation here.
Funny thing about what she also mentions is that when your country is attacked, I guess you use your army and police to fight terrorist, like Serbia did against UCK Albanian terrorist. Idk maybe from where Alicia comes how they handle with terrorists is different
Republic of Serbia has the most protective system towards minorities, probably like nowhere in Europe and that is a fact, and Serbia is the only truly multicultural state in the Balkans, where all minorities enjoy their full rights.
As one of my hobbies is map makeing, I've made a map about percentage of populations in Kosovo, Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia through times. (the last two are still in the process of making). So, to debate ''who was colonizer'' is pretty needless.
Also, in order for the non-Balkan people to understand the stupidity of Alicias tweets, here are some wartime facts. In WW1 Serbs were at Salonica front with Antanta forces and French were mostly Senegalese forces (Africans). There are the photos of Serbs with them (my colection)
Serbian soldiers were the only ones who considered them (Africans) as humans and even friends in the trenches and outside of them, often inviting them to their ''Slava'' while in the French army they weren't allowed to eat with the rest of the French.
And, for the conclusion, I'm continuing to listen my Serbian patriotic songs no matter what lies and fake news those pricks like Jasmin Mujanović continue to spread on Twitter, volume UP!
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