Real talk: this is something I've been thinking about a while, and I think the answer isn't simple or easy. There are long traditions of portraying the police as Noble Servants of the People, which we white folks have eagerly bought into because...
...we have also been raised to believe that:
a) Police will protect us and our property
b) Police will not hurt us
c) There is no alternative, only police rule or mob rule
Throw that into the mix with the tradition of casting POC (esp Black people) as villains in media...
... and you get the meta-narrative that police are largely good, POC at large and especially Black people are a threat to you and your property, and a "few bad cops" are the acceptable price to pay for white peoples' security.

But that's a lie.
I personally believe that we need some form of law enforcement, sure. But what we have is clearly not working. It's *not.* It's not working when I've been in unsafe situations where I was more afraid to call the police and put someone's life at risk. It's not working...
...when we look at the stonefaced officers letting armed white protesters scream in their faces as they try to forcibly invade the state capital, only to drive SUVs through crowds of unarmed Black protesters in the same month. That's not law enforcement, it's weaponized bias.
(tw: sexual assault)
And at this point in history, I don't feel safer for having a police force. "But Molly," you might say, "what if someone breaks into your apartment, steals your TV, and assaults you? Don't you want police then?"

Do I? How's that rape kit backlog?
What are the odds my property is recovered? What are the odds the perpetrator's caught? What are the odds it goes to trial?

What part of this system is working? Because right now, it looks like it's only the part that lets white men do what they want and get away with it.
That's not an easy or comforting thing to think about, but I'm challenging every white person to ask themselves today: what part of our current law enforcement system is working for you? Because that system is being weaponized against Black Americans. Is it worth it?
Is the illusion of safety worth it? Are you willing to admit that you're willing to sacrifice Black lives, Black futures, Black children to maintain that illusion?

I have to believe we can find a different way.
Anyway, that's my thread for the day, if you have spare cash please send it to your nearest bail fund:
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