Some medical advice for protesters today.

1. Write your name, date of birth, and your emergency contact phone number on your arms in sharpie. If you are incoherent or incapacitated, medical personnel will need this info. Make sure your emergency contact knows you are going.
2. Take a one day supply of your medication with you in case you are arrested.
3. If you have a serious medical problem and cannot be without your medication for a day, don’t go.
4. Identify first aid stations when you get there before the protest starts. They will have bandaids, antibiotic ointment, ice packs, and other first aid supplies.
5. Pepper spray and mace are oil based. If you get sprayed, don’t rub your eyes. Use baby shampoo to wash your face and eyes to break up the resin. You might want to take a small amount with you. Milk relieves the discomfort temporarily but does not break up the resin.
6. If you are restrained, practice deep breathing. Panic increases blood flow, can cause cognitive impairment, and leads to difficulty speaking and surviving.
7. Decide in advance if you are willing to put yourself in harm’s way. This is not a decision you should make lightly or in the heat of the moment.
8. Stay hydrated.

Stay safe, y’all.
You can follow @DrChristineMann.
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