I was at @MLHacks Rookie Hacks this weekend, a virtual hackathon for beginners.

Seeing people learn new skills together to build things that affect their communities made me feel hopeful at the end of this difficult week.

I wanted to share some projects I especially liked. 👇🏼
1. ShareCare is an app that donates as you educate yourself.

It's focused on COVID awareness ($1 after each completed quiz to a hospital of your choice).

I imagine this being used to encourage people to educate themselves about other issues. 👀
2. Find A Safe Space is an app that helps you find all-gender restrooms on college campuses.

I take restrooms I can use in public spaces for granted. Locating a restroom that's not just M or W is hard and badly documented!

Grateful that this app exists.
3. TecConnect is an app that aims to redistribute tech resources from (currently closed) schools to students in low-income communities while we're in quarantine to make online learning more accessible. 💻➡👩🏼‍🎓
4. Recycle Bun is a game that teaches you about recycling.

The team learned @unity3d and C# this weekend to build an adorable bullet dodge where you play a bunny who has to put items in the correct recycling bin.

Did I mention that it's adorable? 🐰☁♻
5. This one is more funny than anything.

Guzzler is an app that educates you on how much detergent and gasoline is safe to drink.

Hint: the answer is zero! 🚫⛽🤯
You can follow @jtannady.
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