As Sunday of half term draws to a close, I just want to send the following messages to people:
To all the headteachers opening your schools from Monday 1st. Well done, it’s a brave decision and many will be grateful. Sending you love, luck and safety above all else. You got this 😘🙌
To all the headteachers who have decided NOT to open tomorrow, well done, it’s a brave decision and many will be grateful! Sending you love, luck and safety above all else. It won’t be long before we are all together again!
To the teachers who are feeling anxious about going back to school tomorrow- it’s ok. Your SLT have worked their socks off to make it as safe as possible. Trust them, but if you don’t feel safe, speak up ASAP. You’ll be fine- you’ve got this!
To the teachers who are excited about returning to school! Thank you! I bet the children are as excited to see you as you are them! Stay safe and let us know how you get on 😊
To the teachers who are continuing to work from home, online teaching, home schooling, juggling parent and teacher hood.. we are in to the last half term.. let’s make it a good one!
To the teachers who (like me) are starting a new job this week... good luck! It’s going to be a bit odd not starting like we normally would, but think of it as a “head start” for September when things will hopefully be more “normal”!
And to anyone else who may not fit in any category or a little bit in all of them, just know I am many others are thinking of you. EduTwitter is incredible and you are never alone on here- our DMs are always open. Sending love 💕
And finally, to everyone. It is still Sunday for another 7.5 hours ish, and the sun is shining. Put the work down (it really can wait) and enjoy your evening! ☀đŸŒș🌾
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