Try to set yourself up for multiple income streams.

If you like affiliate marketing it's a great one to start off with. It's so amazing since you don't need capital to fund it.

When you gain profits with this, you can use it to buy Income Generating Assets.

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One IGA I love is Dividend stocks.

You can use the capital generated by free income streams like affiliate marketing to use it to fund IGA's like Dividend investing.

As you gain more income from one, you can fund the other one more aggressively and gain passive income! (2/6)
Passive income is great because you gain money without having to exchange it for time/work anymore.

Once you gain enough passive income you can live off of it.

This means you dont have to work anymore while still earning enough money to fund your living expenses.
This means you can retire, never having to work again.

If you are agressive enough with building Income Generating Assets up, you can retire earlier.

If you're less agressive it takes longer.

It all starts with building up these Income Generating Assets like real estate or dividend stocks.

Whether you do this funded by saving money from your 9-5 or by earning extra money on the side is up to you.

Budgeting is great for anyone, aswell as starting side hustles.

Thank you for reading this thread, and have a wonderful Sunday!
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