23. Arjuna overpowered every of his opposition only with the exception of Drona on the 14th day.
24. Arjuna trained warriors like Abhimanyu, Satyaki and Pradyumna.
25. He conquered many kingdoms for Yudhistira's Ashwamedha Yagna.
26. He defeated Duryodhana even when the latter was wearing armour of Brahma, he targeted the nails and uncovered portions of Duryodhana and defeated him.
27. He wanted to kill Yudhistira when the latter asked him to leave his Gandiva as Arjuna had taken an oath to kill anyone who said these words.
28. Arjuna defeated Karna in Draupadi's Swamywar and Karna upon being overpowered walked away.
29. Arjuna was the best warrior/ archer of his time comparable to warriors like Rama, Krishna and Shiva.
30. Arjuna's penance burned the three world's with its energy.
31. Arjuna could shoot in the dark.
32. He was also known as gudakesha/ conqueror of senses.
33. Arjuna acquired the most number of missiles in his time and none except Krishna had knowledge of those similar missiles.
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