Now, as ever, #medialiteracy and #mediabias need to be understood.
The latter is often framed as partisan bias (which is usually an oversimplification) but that isn't the only form of bias

During these protests we're seeing some common forms of biases. Particularly coverage, statement, sensationalism, and ventriloquism
Real quick:
Coverage - selection of which actors to make visible and how to frame the larger event
Statement - slanting language towards or away from particular actors.
Ventriloquism - using experts words to fit the authors opinion
Examples of each:
Ventriloquism - invocation of Dr. MLK Jr.'s legacy as whitewashed and deradicalized to fit status quo arguments.
Statement bias:
Passive voice obfuscating the actions of the police.
Coverage bias:
Top image ABC
Bottom image Fox
Bc bias is inherent in media coverage, media literacy is essential. Narratives about the protests and state violence are going to change minute to minute, hour to hour, etc.
As always we need to center the murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd. They were killed by white supremacists and white supremacist ideology that permeates our institutions and white minds.
You can follow @csoppenhuizen.
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