We will keep saying this over and over again.

Yall's (not the OP to be clear) evergreen idea of a "peaceful protest" is always and I mean ALWAYS disrupted by.....not the protestors. https://twitter.com/witchytwitchytv/status/1266950575326969856
So many of y'all got this clownish ass energy to talk down to LITERAL BOOTS ON THE GROUND about how they should be more peaceful, but don't have shit to offer up or say when folx drop off the receipts that they ARE peaceful, and it's your BFFs the cops instigating.
We got people out here going home with bruises, injuries, and some of then full on assaults required survival attention. Y'all have had the shit explained 800 times.

But you still wanna bypass all of that to make a fresh, brand new Twitter thread to say "so anyway, I'm right."
Just say the "looting and rioting" makes you uncomfortable because it overtly highlights you've seldom if ever cared about this shit and go.
And this is history. This isn't isolated to just this incident-yall do this every time when black rage is involved.

But as soon as its pointed out you don't care ANY OTHER TIME its "just because I don't post doesn't mean I don't care".

If you got the time and space to scold black people about how they should "properly" protest, have that SAME ENERGY when Jim Bob flips the car for the Cubs winning and you whip out your phone to record Black Friday fights for fucking World Star.

I'm tired of you ashy fucks.
And if you are using this tragedy and black rage to center yourself, let me be clear:

Fuck you.
All week I've seen people subtweeting about black folx being "cowards" for muting/blocking and not allowing the shit free real estate in our minds. y'all really truly think after you disrespect us in ANY magnitude, that you're owed more than this thread.

We are TIRED.
We have people who are out there fighting, getting hurt, recording, reporting, and literally demonstrating to you that the systems in place will do anything they can go uphold systemic racism....and you smooth brain mouthbreathing fucks really just denounce that?

For clout?
Y'all are using our safety mechanisms and our free.99 education?


and then wonder why you not welcome on our timelines. FOH.
Anyway: support and help the PEACEFUL PROTESTORS YALL LOVE SO MUCH and get them the medical attention and defenses they need

(Thank you again Amanda) https://twitter.com/AmandaJillHill/status/1267001908516003840?s=19
Put or or shut the entire fuck up.

Getting on Twitter to puff your chest about how everyone should act is easy. But if y'all really want to support the protestors, there are tangible ways to do so.

Whitewashing their history and allowing police and media outlets to -->
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