Tips for the physical effects of anxiety during a time when it's absolutely beyond reasonable for you to be in an on-going panic attack - a thread from your local health care professional.

Panic attacks and anxiety cause real physical symptoms and it becomes a feedback loop
A panic attack puts your sympathetic nervous system into gear. This is that response that allows you to run from a threat longer and faster than you normally can.

But if you are just, say, standing in the street or sitting on your couch, you will FEEL this response different
1. HEAT.

Your Heart rate will go up slightly, sometimes causing you to feel very hot.

Ice cubes to the back of the neck will be a FAST feeling of relief but it may come back.

Cold running water over the soft part of your wrist will take a few minutes but cool your core temp

your digestion hits a pause button during a panic attack which can lead to nausea or acid reflux.

Keep your head raised 30 degrees for a little while after a panic attack has passed to prevent reflux.

Ginger (chews, root, ginger ale) can help the nausea

Your fingers tingle during an anxiety attack for 2 reasons - blood moving to protect your organs, and hyperventilating. We can't prevent the former, but you can treat the latter!

Breathe OUT for longer than you breathe IN. do "lions breath" on repeat.

Your body has experienced the real physical response of a person running from a lion.

Avoid caffeine or other stimulants. Lean into the fatigue, your body actually needs rest. Drink chamomile even if it's day. Light a candle. Put a white noise app on. Sleep or veg.
Mental responses have an effect on our physical bodies - anyone who responds to you saying "it's in your head" or similar, simply has a poor understanding of what anxiety is.

Your anxiety is understandable. But you deserve to feel better.

I'm here if you need more info ❤️
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