if ur white and ur at a pr0test please us ur privilege like this.
if u don’t get why we want to ban rubber bullets. here u go.
https://twitter.com/youranoncentral/status/1267173068117405696?s=21 https://twitter.com/youranoncentral/status/1267173068117405696
the guy that got shot with a rubber bullet needs help with his medical bills so if u can please help him here: https://m.facebook.com/nt/screen/?params=%7B%22fundraiser_campaign_id%22%3A745134702961061%7D&path=%2Ffundraiser%2F&_rdr
everything helps: https://twitter.com/costarastrology/status/1266393495260008448?s=21 https://twitter.com/costarastrology/status/1266393495260008448
if u can help and support these business it would mean so much https://twitter.com/hopewrlds/status/1266856971610632192?s=21 https://twitter.com/hopewrlds/status/1266856971610632192
i’m hiding this weird ass comment
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