aside from the weight loss, just wanted to shoutout all the stuff that distracted me all throughout Quarantine. (a thread..?)
Shout out to the books i read all throughout the first half of may!! here’s raw thoughts from May 12 that just gives my ramblings about them XD sorry sabog and might be tmi cuz i was down
Shoutout to my Netflix picks during quarantine which are literally just all of Money Heist, naruto movies, and a couple of jojo season 1 episodes
Shoutout to the games i played such as Mount and Blade II Bannerlord that kept me distracted for a solid week, My Left 4 Dead 2 runs with the boys, and NBA 2K20.
also ofcourse animal crossing which i just skdksk left and the whole naruto storm series
Shoutout to the YT channels Captain Sinbad, Pewds, and Laurie Santos who have been my mentors to hype myself up in self development hahaha
shoutout to the Fitbod app, LIFE fasting app, MyFitnessPal, and the Omron HBF 330 which have been my tools to lose a couple pounds ahehe
Shoutout to the coronavirus telegram group for giving accurate info each time, and all the transparent journalism peeps for being concerned about the country
thanks and shoutout to reddit for covid discussions and thoughts on the current global political climate.
also shoutout to coursera for The Science of Wellbeing and The basic fundamentals of accounting,,, also music theory i havent finished

also udemy courses i havent finished
yun lang. I still feel down about the current happenings around the world but i believe these have made us more aware of corrupt systems, inequality, discrimination, etc. vote in 2022 because we deserve better. we really do.
You can follow @jjroja_.
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