1) must get off twitter, cannot take this any longer
2) I’m not doing anything to help; not turning away is literally the least I can do
3) 20 years of teaching in urban middle schools is “doing something,” god damn it
4) donate some money then
5) what money
6) hey remember all that money you spent on DICE this month
7) right but that’s gone
8) spend no money in June; send excess to ... somebody
9) not Shaun King
10) of course not but can I get off social media for one damn day please
11) sure there’s probably a protest downtown; go
12) but pandemic
13) selfish asshole
14) let’s definitely find a way to make this about you and your problems, white guy
15) I am me and am allowed to worry about me; also wife + kid
16) maybe set an example for said kid
17) don’t really want him tear gassed or covided either
18) blah blah blah blah blah excuses
19) and so on
20) right now you’re on twitter to avoid *mowing*
21) maybe talk to the doc about upping the ol’ brain meds on Friday
22) still selfish
23) too old and fat to antagonize cops
24) still selfish
25) repeat ad nauseam
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