Thread. Day 31 #100kinMay:
When @M0lly_Writes suggested a bunch of the women’s football press pack take part in the challenge to raise money for the @DarbyRimmerMND, an idea started by @SophieWalton14, I was sceptical. Not about the challenge, but my ability to do it. 1/6
I don’t run. I’ve not run since we had to when I was 11 (around the roof playground). I’m unfit. But it’s a great cause and a good incentive to try and get fitter. I signed up for 50km cycling (indoors) and 50km running. In the knowledge that I could always compensate on the 2/6 if I didn’t make the 50km running. Worst comes to worst I could lie 💁‍♀️. When I started, helped by the Couch to 5k app, I could barely run for 60 seconds. Yesterday, I ran for 20mins straight. My previous longest had been 10mins, done to days before that. 3/6
... don’t get me wrong, my running is SLOW. But, I’m actually enjoying it. It’s weird because what started out as a sacrifice (and it’s hurt!) is now something I sort of look forward to. But I genuinely couldn’t have done it without @M0lly_Writes and all the rest of the 4/6
In the end?
Total run: 76km
Total cycle: 50km
Total: 126km
50% more running than I hoped to do. And I’m going to keep running 🏃‍♀️, just without the sweaty selfies. We’re on 87% of our target, help us to the top: 6/6
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