If you watched coverage of this week’s events, you were hit with many things to process:

- The merits of the “rioters vs. protestors”
- How to be an ally to your friends
- Journalistic freedom
- Et al.

All valid topics. But if you want to know what this is truly about...
...at its core. If you want to know what your black and brown friends REALLY are thinking about in their gut every day...and you need it boiled down to something simple, here you go.
When you hear about “systemic racism” and you want to use that as a buzzword, right now in this moment, THIS IS WHAT BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE ARE WORRIED ABOUT.

You just cannot have people in certain jobs if they do not perform those jobs at the highest level for EVERYONE.
You will get hit left and right with things to think about and your focus will fatigue or fade. That is a) understandable and b) potentially what people want to have happen to you.

Just know that THIS MOMENT boils down fairly simply for your black and brown brothers and sisters.
You can follow @adamamin.
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