It’s OK to step out of your own narrative. What applies to your life doesn’t necessarily apply to your neighbor or co-worker or a stranger. Their perspective can make you better or at least more understanding. Twitter is a shitty medium for fine brush strokes - but try.
I get it - this is the age of personal truths. It’s only true if you accept it to be true and it neatly fits into your world view. Why complicate when it’s easier to simplify? Anything counter could make you think or (gasp!) change or (gasp!) evolve.
Being black or a minority in America IS different. As American as we are... we will always be seen as the “other.” I never understood that. Our strength as a nation and people IS our difference.
Being American is being undefined. We are infinity and division by zero. That’s our strength. That’s our power. That’s our greatness. Embrace it.
For my white friends - we want to have the conversation. We need you to be a part of it. We need to make allowance for the conversation to be bumpy and uncomfortable if we plan on getting anywhere.
We are better than this. Individually and collectively. We are. We must be better. We will be better. 🙏
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