If you’ve watched the escalating violence over the past few days and come to any conclusion other than we live in a nation failing its citizens, you’re part of the problem.

Do I condone violence by protestors or destruction of property? No. But I get it.
What I don’t get is how we’ve allowed law enforcement so much reign and leeway. They’ve used it in nefarious ways against communities of color for decades, sometimes in the open but often without witnesses. We did nothing.
Now, there are countless, documented examples of police violence against those exercising their rights. I have no interest in discussions about the potential justification for these actions.
If you want to try and justify spraying mace from a moving car or trampling someone from behind with a horse, again, you’re part of the problem.
Why have we seen the escalation in violence? Well, systemic racism, but I’ll start with a lack of accountability.

NYPD officers covering their badge numbers, De Blasio making excuses for vehicular assault, the list of examples is long and difficult to understand.
Shit, a CNN crew was detained while filming and the police statement lied about those circumstances. Could it be more brazen?
So today, as you watch America try to pick up the pieces from some very trying days, understand that it is our duty to combat the inequalities that started in this country centuries ago.

If you still are looking for a place to start, just reread this thread until it sinks in.
You can follow @Wentworth13.
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