Fellow white people: now is the time to do our research. To listen. To read about experiences we do not have to go through. Pay attention. Support our Black friends. And to step up. If you're thinking "what can I do?" then let's make a list of places to start. #BlackLivesMatter
Books I can recommend:
Superior by Angela Saini
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (or watch the film)
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Surround yourself with voices that are different from your own and listen. Follow Black voices on Twitter, but do not speak over them. Amplify, but be aware that you might be exposing them to hostile audiences if you haven't talked openly about this before, so do so with caution.
Take what you've learned and start conversations with your white friends and family. Challenge racism when you see it. Don't let something go because it might be awkward. That's a luxury we have, to not have to engage if something is uncomfortable to us.
Be humble. You will mess up. I have. But I was grateful for the learning experience, I apologised briefly, and I took the experience on board for moving forward.
I didn't really plan this thread, but I wanted to share a little of what I have learned. Please feel free to add to it. I'm always up for learning more. Which books or accounts would you recommend?
(But perhaps if you recommend account, don't tag people directly. You can put a \\ between the @ and the name so that we know who to follow, but it doesn't disturb their weekend any more than it likely already is)
Oh, and if you have means to, please consider donating to organisations who are supporting the communities protesting over the police killing of George Floyd: https://twitter.com/JenMillsArt/status/1266432435161448448
(thanks @jbbeacham for the link)
You can follow @claranellist.
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