I can’t sleep, so I journaled about some ideas of what being black is in America. These are just some of my feelings and thoughts and doesn’t represent every black persons experience. I’ve just been feeling so heavy and anxious that I needed to write something.
Being black is everybody wanting to be apart of the culture but not wanting to be an ally.
Being black is constantly feeling like you have to prove yourself.
Being black is constantly being is constantly feeling conflicted. Being Black is fearing for your life. Being black is worrying that you won’t get that job or get that date. Being black is struggling to find hair salons that cater to your hair.
Being black means being economically disadvantaged from birth in comparison to white counterparts. Being black means your mental health is not taken seriously. Being black means your health is not taken seriously. Being black in an all white job is lonely.
Being black is constantly being told to “get over it”. Being black is feeling rejected by the world and even sometimes even by your own people. Being black is being labeled as angry when you are merely voicing a concern.
Being black is being bullied just for the color of your skin and texture of your hair. Being black is being purposely left out in the media. Being black is feeling uncomfortable talking about race or racial concerns. Being black is being over sexualized.
Being black is going for a run and not returning home. Being black is saying you can’t breathe while being arrested and being ignored. Being black is peacefully calling out injustice and nothing happening.
I can’t breathe.
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