I’m going to tweet something, if I offend you then you’ll either have to forgive me or fuck the off. A great problem I have with Americans is the fact that they’re convinced that their world is THE world. I know it is not everyone and this is not a post meant to stereotype or-
Generalise all Americans. To elaborate my point, which is stated with no malice, I have noticed that Americans do not realize that their historical knowledge is not general knowledge. They seem to forget that there are seven different continents, all with different national-
Stories and histories. You can not expect what you’ve been taught as part of your history to be taught in Africa especially when African history is not taught to you guys in your schools. Same for Asia, Europe, Australia, everywhere. I am not and will not ever invalidate those-
Events that happened, they are important parts of your history. I agree a hundred percent. But you can not hold us accountable for not knowing; we were not made to know, we are not obligated to know! We know because we research, we care and thirst for knowledge not because we are
Under obligation in anyway to know. I am not going to state which instance even though I am sure most of you have a clue. There is unity in diversity, remember that. If I do not know and you show me hate for it, I will not know. I will not want to know therefore I will never know
Thank you.
PSA. This is not a jab at the black lives matter movement. I am an African and a supporter of the movement. This thread is for whatever you assume it is, it applies to every situation you deem fit. It is just me speaking up on what upsets me
guys, please sign & share this around. he was wrongfully convicted of a m/rder he did not commit n was put on d3ath row and he only has 124 days left. please, please sign this. make sure your email is confirmed too so your signature counts! http://chng.it/M57gv2tXmF 
God bless us all. Let’s all combine as one people and not invalidate anyone
And no one should come here talking bout any kpop shit or fanwar, I won’t have it at all
if you go on http://justiceforjulius.com  there’s an option to email the parole board at the bottom, they’ve already drafted the email for you all you need to do is sign it with your info. it takes 30 seconds max please send the letter as only 2000 have done it so far.
If I hid your reply, it is not because I hate you; it’s because your choice of words weren’t good. Try rephrasing💜
It’s 2 am for me; good night!
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