I'm a Leftist.

I donate to Liberals.

I've never been much of a joiner, but things are different now.

If we dont participate, we will lose our freedom. It's just that simple.

I'm no partisan. Make no mistake.

I'm so Capitalist, I came out a socialist on the other side.
Modern Conservatism offers you nothing. It takes from you.

Their singular promise is to reduce the burden of Government.

Well... you are your Government. You're reducing your own power over men who will exploit you if you give them the chance.
Politics have never had such a stark contrast.

If you're a Leftist, you are seeking a system that represents everyone equally. Everyone has a chance to speak and be heard.

If you're a Conservative, you're demanding to be heard, when it's no time for speaking.
A Leftist says "Hey, this idea should be tested!"

A Conservative says "THOSE people have no right to challenge the system! HOW DARE THEY?!!"
I've never met a Leftist that literally hated anyone or anything. Not to the point of going out of ones way to do harm... Theyll use it as a turn of phrase, but never live just to see harm befall other folks.

But that's what Modern Conservatism is.
I'm not being a partisan here...

I'll discuss policy with anyone!

Conservatives dont discuss policy though. They're too busy trying to decide who should be listened to.

They're gossiping, obstructing, and poisoning the process.

That's what triggers a Liberal.
Corporate Media spends its time trying to find a balance between to very different things.

How do you balance an argument that's made in bad faith, when you cant acknowledge that it's a bad faith argument without seeming 'partisan'?
Conservatives built their own media, because it seemed a "Liberal" idea to ensure that we dont derail our policy debates with speculative fictions.
Imagine you're a Millennial, and you never got any instruction on the history of media or best practices for its consumption...

And all you know is whatever YouTube's algorithms led you to...
In a normal course of human interaction, we would have weeded out the conservative mindset from our midst.

Over the course of time, they push away their more wise peers.

In the entertainment business?
You can keep that mindset alive forever.
Trumpism is Conservatism. There is no separation there. It's one and the same thing. There are no degrees of it. It's binary.

You're either a Conservative, or you value everyone's right to speak and be heard.
What @Conservatives around the world want, is to ensure that only their voices are heard.

The @GOP openly degrades the agency and freedom of their political opponents, for example.
These are not accidental similarities. #JustSayin

Conservatives are shouting from the rooftops. All over the world.

Unless their voices are made paramount, they'll tear the whole system down.
You cant say we haven't heard and heeded them before

Where else would 'Progressives' get the idea we haven't been fighting conservatives on these issues for a generation? 🤣

"You acquiesced! OMG!"
I'm awake long enough to remember those same people saying we didnt deserve what little power we had when we had any power at all...

And then they have the gall to wonder why nothing got done in their names. 🤣

That's a conservative trait, coincidentally.
#SelfAwareness is a drawback for a hypocrite, dont you know.
Here's a final joke for you all.

Conservatism is a phase people go through. All of us. Everywhere.
If we want to put an end to it, begin in grade school.
Give conservative ideology prominence! Teach it!
The children can prove its failure while young, in a controlled setting.
"No Billy, you cant have that toy."

'But Teacher!! He has ALL the toys!'

"Yes, but he can also beat your ass. You have no power here. Go sit in the corner until you learn sycophancy!"
'Teacher! I wish to challenge for the toys!'

"Class, hold Billy down while Dear Leader takes a knee on his throat! He has nothing with which to pay for your loyalty! He is defrauding you!"


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