To every single police officer, prosecuter, judge, and elected official:

You may not be one of the “bad ones” but you are 110% complicit in the aiding and abetting of a legal system that views Black lives as less than human.
Until every police officer can put human lives above your badge and your thin blue line, regardless of your personal views and personal interactions on the job, you are absolutely complicit in the deaths of:
Even if you have never ever used your sidearm, have never been reprimanded for your behavior on the job, or fully believe #BlackLivesMatter , until you and your brethren are as enraged and outspoken as the general public is now, you are complicit.
TikToks, Reddit/social media posts, and viral vlogs about your stance on these issues are not enough. You need to be signing petitions, donating, and PROTECTING d*monstr*tors and prot*st*rs.
It cannot be 80% participation, 90% participation, or 99% participation. It MUST be 100% participation from all levels of law enforcement.
If you are feigning neutrality by preaching “bad apples” or by uplifting yourself as a “good one” you are of no help.
Police officers need to be SNITCHING on all of their cohorts who even joke about abusing their power, police departments need to be waaaay more strict and in-depth in the vetting of their candidates, and police training needs to be significantly improved.
If your captain or chief is continually putting police officers with multiple substantiated complaints back in the field, they do not care about the community they “protect and serve”.
If the entire premise of law enforcement is to protect and serve the community, protect us by not killing us and serve us by standing with us in our outcry.
Until every single judge, prosecutor, and police officer is as enraged as we are—until you all get rid of your “bad apples”, you are complicit and you are aiding and abetting officers like Ch**vin.
Officers like the ones that MURDERED #TamirRice, #GeorgeFloyd, #PhilandoCastile, #EricGarner, and countless others were empowered to do so because the legal system exhibited time and time again that their are no consequences for abuse of power.
Until every judge, prosecutor, and police officer from every courthouse and from every precinct makes it fully known that the abuse of power that murders Black lives every day is unacceptable, no matter what type of person you are individually, you are complicit.
The problem with the idea of the “bad apple” is that it infers that the rest of the bunch is still “good”. When the fact of the matter is that the entire orchard is rotting. The entire system was left to proceed as it may with no accountability or oversight.
So regardless of whether or not YOU are “bad” or “good”, YOU are complicit because of the very system you perpetuate each and every day.
Until each and every crooked judge, officer, and prosecutor is charged and sentenced, and until every “good” one is hunting down the crooked ones, the system will always fail.
You cannot protect and serve the community if you are apethetic to the community. You are not a protector and you are not a servant. You aiding and abetting.
You can follow @_EricWashington.
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