so i just woke up to the aftermath of the Oppression Olympics (which i’m honestly really shocked and disappointed about, i thought this person would know better) BUT anyway: anti-Blackness exists everywhere, not just in the US. in kuwait, for example, i‘ve seen everything from...
my classmates making racist jokes about one of my high school english teachers, to Black Kuwaitis/people in general being referred to as “abeed” (slaves), to African domestic workers being physically and sexually abused and killed and treated like slaves at the hands of their...
employers. and there are many, many more problems as well. so, no, standing up and speaking out against Anti-Black racism is not just an American issue, even if it is most prominent IN america. isn’t just about Americans thinking they are the center of the world. it is GLOBAL
different struggles can exist simultaneously. you can be supportive for both at the same time. it’s not rocket science. no one is saying your struggle isn’t relevant or important. but don’t downplay a struggle YOU know nothing about, that will never affect YOU.
just because you don’t think anyone is championing YOUR problems enough, or that this is an “American” issue, doesn’t mean it’s not important?!!?? as multiple people have said, this isn’t the oppression olympics. also like...Kim, there’s people that are dying.
just as a final note: i wasn’t going to comment on what happened initially because i didn’t want to further escalate it, but i HAVE to speak out if i’m going to practice anything i preach, and i will do whatever to stand with my Black friends, and Black people across the world.
please don’t downplay the ongoing protests and BLM, don’t downplay Black people’s struggle & especially don’t mock people who know WAY more about this issue than you do, just because they are “american”. anti-Blackness does not exist only in America, it is rampant globally.
as a FINAL final note (sorry lol), all i will say is that if aforementioned person responds to or interacts with this thread in any way, i will not bother engaging with him. i’m really, really disappointed. apparently i didn’t know him well enough. i have also unfollowed him.
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