I haven't been tweeting much so much as retweeting because as a white man I don't think I have anything to say that people with less privilege who deserve to be heard haven't already said. But I will say, any of you complaining about Taika Waititi NOW are fucking awful.
The country is being exposed as a police state and your getting mad at a Maori director for *checks notes* having an alternate opinion about how to fight the police? You people will cancel celebrities for not agreeing with you and then never vote or donate or do much of anything.
I complain about stupid shit on twitter all the time, and hell this thread certainly fits that category, but for once can we all collectively shut up about celebrities and actors and directors and hold the ACTUAL people in power more responsible.
Derek Chauvin should be trending. He should be who you're angrily tweeting about if you insist on only tweeting shit and not doing anything productive. Unless Taika or anyone else is gonna actively go against the BLM movement, ignore them for once.
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