You tweeted a baseless claim blaming violence on the Far Left? No mention of Far Right despite arrests of folks w/ White Supremacist groups. By blaming the ‘left’ you fan the flames & stoke violence

Before pointing to Russian interference, which IS happening, look to yourself.
@marcorubio blamed the far left & foreign entities for violence at protests. He finger points to divert blame from his own party & Trump, who incites the violence & dog whistles.

If GOP say to Trump ‘we don’t support you anymore’ & call for his removal we’d be able to fix this.
@marcorubio ignores the fact that he holds the power to do something today but he refuses to go against Mitch and Trump.

Imagine if enough GOP Congressional Reps/Senators banded together w/ Dems to announce the establishment of an Independent body tasked w/ cleaning up policing?
Don’t let police clean up the police anymore. Create an independent entity (not inside the police) w/ diverse leadership & give them the authority to weed out dirty cops. Task them to propose criminal Justice reform legislation that the bi-partisan Reps & Senators commit to pass.
This is a pipe dream in today’s political climate but it’s intended to illustrate how GOP could actually DO something other than blaming others & sending platitudes. If they announced something like this & the community sees positive actions we can move forward in a positive way.
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