a tip for artists struggling to draw backgrounds, don't try to draw the background and the main subject separately. the background should interact with the main subject.
for example a person would be interacting with a vending machine, you can already associate the setting better now that a vending machine is in place right? how about a boy kicking a ball? where do you you associate the ball, the boy and their setting?
you might even struggle with perspective a bit but that's all part of the practice. and when practicing perspectivr make sure to draw as many distorted subjects. i remember a tip from kim jung gi is to take an object and try to draw it from various angles
another tip is to simplify EVERYTHING when drawing backgrounds if you see a tree don't draw every detail try to capture the feeling that it is a tree, a building can be simplified to just a rectangular shilloette in a distance or a person can be just a stick figure from a far
lastly, if you work digitally, make sure to use textures (use hi rez ones) from images you find then paint over them. use as many references you want, just as long as it captures the feel or the environment. references are very important imo.
that's about all of the stuff i know about backgrounds, i'm still learning too. if you have any more tip do share em or just ignore this thread.
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