Red Velvet as Mafias

a very dangerous thread;
Irene, The Boss

- the leader and the foundress of the gang
- the one who has the absolute control
- she makes sure that nothing goes wrong and everything is according to plan
- silent but deadly, competitive as hell
Seulgi, The Gambler

- the gang's biggest money maker
- a pro when it comes to gambling
- gets a lot of money like A LOT
- she wins more often than not
- very clever and cunning
Wendy, The Arsonist

- very feisty and defiant
- highly skilled when it comes to explosives
- she's in charge in clearing evidences and traces
- sets fire the location, properties and vehicles when needed
Joy, The Dealer

- excellent in making deals in and out of the country, a pro manipulator
- expert in smuggling guns, knives, cars, cash, name it all
- her irresistable eyes can charm anyone
- highly skilled in hypnotism
Yeri, The Assassin

- has gain mastery in swordsmanship
- expert in killing especially the vips on high classified missions
- pro in close range combat
- surprise attacks is her favorite technique
p.s. I badly miss bad boy era that's why

//end of thread//
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