Americans: please look away.

Rest of the word: We owe it to our American friends, when they say they are 'the best country in the world' to *immediately* scoff and react as thought they've said Kermit the Frog is an *actual* real life frog.
And when they refer to the American president as the 'Leader of the Free World' we need to react as though they've just told us Earth is flat, and the moon is made of cheese.
For those of us in the vicinity of half a century old, the America that exists now is NOT the America we grew up with. And yes, I know we know that, but they, by-and-large, do not. Us laughing and scoffing will probably make little difference, I understand that.
But we, as fellow humans, & citizens of earth, have an obligation to make them aware of how far their country has fallen. Yes, we have all known for a long time how insular, and self-centred many US citizens are, and yes, it's going to be almost impossible to get through to them,
But a country that was once great, is falling apart before our eyes. A country that did have real world influence and leadership is now a laughing stock. But worse, it's dangerous. Dangerous to itself, and dangerous to others.
We probably can't do much, but we need to try. We need to try to get through to those Americans who don't agree with us, but might. The ones who agree with us, and there are many, aren't the ones we need to convince.
The Americans who love Trump and everything he does are the ones we can't convince. But I can't help but think there are many in the middle. Those who like Trump, but not unquestionably. Those who aren't blind to how much the rest of the world sees their country as broken.
I do believe Trump has broken the influence of the USA forever. It will never again be the world leader and world influencer it was. But a healthy USA is better for the world. A USA not self-destructing is a USA we need over the one we have.
So when you can, let them know, they are a joke. They are falling apart before our eyes. Their influence and leadership is gone. But maybe, just maybe, the right people will hear us, and they may change for the better.
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