a lot of people talk about “bread and circuses” without a second thought like we’re all provided those but in addition to the number of people who are out of work increasing the number of people at protests i honestly wonder if the lack of sports is not also assisting that
this is baseball starting/basketball ending/hockey ending season
i think the state kinda created a weird perfect storm for itself and i’m a bit skeptical of it
is this just another step in the plan for our control society?
take away the ability to live and placate ourselves, watch the response and control the response to that response, accelerate the possibilities of reaction intentionally to test the capacity of a public that is not uniform.
people like this have or had access to information that we cannot possibly imagine. imagine what he knows and then imagine tweeting this. https://twitter.com/EricHolder/status/1266782853838376961?s=20
people like this are begging you to question your own senses in real time and for what? honestly what is the goal of undermining actions like these from people who are ostensibly sympathetic? they want you to disbelieve your own eyes. https://twitter.com/Freeyourmindkid/status/1266636190641541127?s=20
what do you see? https://twitter.com/spinnellii/status/1266683004803362816?s=20
this should terrify you. this should scare you more than what the police are doing, brutalizing real people in real time in front of your very eyes across the country. these are people who are using language and tactics that have been developed specifically to confuse you.
it really freaked me out when people would use the clinical and academic languages of abuse and oppression to facilitate their own narrative for just flippant internet attention, but that was all just to water down the meaning behind those words.
it's very weird to use the term "gaslighting" to mean something beyond a specifically interpersonal interaction and people on social media have been using it for several years to mean "lying" or "thing i dont like". but it's actually useful here, weirdly, when it means the least.
they took the usefulness out of words before they could be ubiquitously socially pertinent. honestly this would be so fascinating if it wasn't so terrifying.
anyway why are police instigating violence? on an individual level i do agree that it is likely because they are ferocious and disgusting pigs who are trained in the sand to lash out and abuse anyone who disobeys their command. but they all fall in line to command.
ask yourself honestly is jeff bezos continuing on his daily routine or is he glued to the feed just as you are?
actually what i am asking you to consider is maybe he doesn't have to be
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