After many months of debates and horse-trading, they agreed on all we now know as the Bible at the last Council Meeting in Lycerene. These Councils were under the auspices of popes who were declaring holy wars over Jerusalem and sought to conquer the world. You can check history
At this Council, they agreed on what gets in & what couldn't get in into the Bible. Factions negotiated their theology like the politicians do today in Party & Cabinet meetings. Just like our Federal Executive Council. There is no way these men would not have imputed their ideas
If you desire to dominate the world with your religion and rule over the world, will you tell people they have an option? Or you will tell them that Christ is the only way? Will you tell people that if they choose to follow another god they will still go to heaven?
Will you tell people never to indulge in slavery? When you have slaves at home. Will you tell people that women are your equal & should be treated with dignity when your wife is shutting the fuck up at home? Will you tell people that conquests are bad when you seek to conquer?
Remember, these men claimed to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, yet they were beheading people who told them the earth was round and spherical, and not flat. The Holy Spirit could not inspire them that the earth was round. It took science to change the position
People who were not sure whether the earth was round or flat and falsely killed Gamaliel for blasphemy by telling them the earth was round are the same people who are 100% sure of what they compiled as the Bible? If the Holy Spirit could tell you that Christ was the only way ....
He could also have told you that the earth was round and spherical. God doesn't play dice. He is inch perfect. So do you see the inspiration of God in all the inconsistencies or you see the ideas of men? I see God where it is about love. I see men in the inconsistencies.
There is nothing that men will touch that can be 100% perfect. Not possible. So whilst I take the Bible as God's inspiration in part, I do not accept it is 100% perfect. So I allow room in my mind that if there is 1 heaven, I will see Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus & Jews etc there
I will rather think that God wants to win as many people as possible so he inspired ALL the religions so that whichever you fall, you will have a path to eternal life. He appeared to Paul, as he appeared to Mohammad, Buddha & Krishna etc.
There are over 1billion people in China and you know your jet flying preacher cannot go and 'save' them from Buddha. There are over 1billion in India who are Hindus, your preacher cannot convert them. Over 1billion Muslims, you know they will never convert. Think about it
They have been there and will always be there till the end of the world. You know Christianity can never dominate the Middle East, Islam can never dominate the West. So you honestly think that it is the plan of God/Allah to kill people of other faiths? You are not serious!
When you go to Church & you speak in tongues & have goose pimples, you think the Muslims who bow their heads to the ground do not have goose pimples?You think they do not have their experiences? It is only you that Holy Spirit is touching? How dare you look down on others faiths?
You are not God & you know absolutely nothing except what the Bible/Quran says and what your teachers tell you. You have not seen heaven nor hell. You have not seen God. So how dare you? When we all die we will see and know the truth, but for know stay on your lane & love others
Do not go around insisting that your god is the one true God. You don't know that for a fact all you have is hearsay, which by human standard is unreliable not to talk of God who has a higher standard. I am taking to all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists & all faiths
Never ever look down on your neighbours faith. Never delegitimize their experience and their love for their God. Do not try to overpower, conquer or dominate them. You can't. Allow people pursue their God and pursue their peace and happinesses in the way they know how
You were born into this world, you didn't create it. When you finish fighting your holy wars you will exit the earth - the truth awaits you on the other side. We all don't know what the truth is, though we shall find out, but only in death. We will all stand before our maker
So while we are still alive, let us build a society that is free from every form of religious strife, hatred & oppression. Let us build a society where all humans & all peoples are 100% equal and free to pursue their happiness & spiritual fulfilment. With love, I salute you. End
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