On the one hand it's fucked up that this is all happening on top of the pandemic. On the other hand I really don't think these demonstrations would be happening if the pandemic hadn't already made it clear how insignificant the ruling class views human life.
This was sparked by George Floyd & it's a continuation of what BLM's been fighting for for the last decade, but I think a big part of what's different this time is how many more people are FED UP with everything, and have been for a while.
Just looking back as a 34 year old right now on my entire adult life as an American and it's so damn obvious shit was going to eventually boil over in ways unseen since the 60s, especially for my generation. It's been nothing but bullshit since the moment I knew what bullshit was
I'm privileged to have never feared for my life based on my complexion. Can barely imagine what that's like. But I've seen the American Dream my parents' gen enjoyed cease to exist in a lot of ways. Ppl are mad about George Floyd, but also, ppl are just MAD, rightfully.
Not doing race reductionism with this thread. Just saying, a lot more nonblack ppl absolutely furious right now and I think that's just as much about empathy for George Floyd and the countless other black men murdered by police as it is about a collective generational anger.
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