here's one thing i want to say. My husband is a police officer. In italy, in local police, and he doesn't do anti-rioting and stuff. He's a good person.
However, i have seen him start to harbor worrying views.
I have to constantly counteract the radicalization that happens within police corps, constantly calling him out on stuff. And he listens and checks himself.
But how many ppl don't? How many officers don't have someone calling them out?
When the system is designed to give you all the tools and the power and constantly reinforces your belief, this happens. When you are constantly told, explicitly or implicitly, to value some ppl less, to be afraid, to react with violence. Because you know you can.
This happens everywhere, racism is a system in place everywhere, police is a force designed to protect the privilege and the status quo everywhere. In the US it's brutal and horrible. In Italy it's sly and equally horrible.
My heart is heavy.
We all have to keep calling out each other and help dismantling this system of oppression. Recognizing that structural inequalities affect our viewpoint. As economists, we are often blind to this. We have to keep our eyes wide open and listen.
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