the anon account was also rting memes and asking ppl to not send nudes.

1.) they don’t have a twt account. it was taken down by twitter in 2014 during the ferguson protests.

2.) why would a serious untrackable group of hackers leave dms open, rt memes, AND be on a blocklist?
they were taken off twitter when anonymous had posted the name of the officer who was thought to be involved in the murder of michael brown. please do not buy into this.
anonymous should definitely be back since the police radios are being hacked and the minneapolis police dept site is down. but that account is NOT REAL. also know that hacktivists would never want to drag innocent people into their doings and they are doing that by rting posts
of people who are not involved. they were known to get into trouble w mexican cartel las zetas WHICH was CALLED OFF because las zetas threatened to attack innocent people.
everything the anon account has leaked is stuff that has been known (such as the epstein tweet) PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THEM.
nd YES anyone can be anonymous but anon has NEVER ONCE publicly put innocent people at risk. we all know people are tracking our activity ESPECIALLY NOW. why would an untrackable hackivist group smarter than the LITERAL GOVERNMENT be on a blocklist for being against trans ppl?
and if you haven’t signed any petitions.. i URGE you to do so. this has been updated recently. 
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