⭐️ please give me time to sort out orders and to make payment to the various sites as i’m still pending payment confirmation from a few sites, i’ll have to contact them to verify payment. i will update the spreadsheet so do refer to that!
i’m having an overwhelming amount of orders across quite a number of sites so i really need time to sort and send out confirmation emails (may take up to a week or so). for quicker updates please join my telegram channel! https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFXcTFxUq3JdW-IA6g
as usual i will post when i’ve made payment so please look out for this #Vminn95zGO and refer to my spreadsheets that i’ll proceed to update. thank you for the support :)
i will NOT be proceeding with payments until my current payments are being processed. i’ll have to ensure that payments are confirmed before i proceed to order the other items.

items currently pending payment are:
- Guess Korea
- Fila Korea (4 Batches)
- APOC Korea
- AKAN Cases
AKAN is still being processed due to a transfer error so i made another transfer! i have contacted all the above sites to try and ask for them to confirm payment but the CS teams will probably only get back to me next week since today is a sunday.
if my orders are cancelled due to the sites not verifying payment, i’ll get someone to call the CS team for me to help us with orders! will update all in my spreadsheet and telegram so do refer to them before clarifying with me. i will be busy with school do replies are DELAYED.
payments will be made throughout next week because i have around 8-10 more sites to check out from so please be patient. do email me for urgent enquiries and CC/DM me for other clarifications you might have. thank you!
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