Anon x reader oneshot
“Another day of having to deal with antis bullshit”, you sigh as you stretch in the chair your shitting in. Luckily not everything was lost because of the “all mighty anon”. Everyone was thirsting over him as usual and it really didn’t sit well with-
you. You looked behind you at the door, anticipating when anon will return how. You’ve been dating for a while now, but you feel like you’ve been drifting apart lately. You take a deep breathe and go back on your phone scrolling through you feed. Soon you here keys-
jangle as the door opens, you ignore it and countine on your phone. The doer opens and closes as anon walks inside of the house. He locks the door behind him and sets his coat on the coach. “Hey”, he says as you continue to pretend you didn’t realize her was there-
“Hey..”, you say uninterested. He then takes off his shoes and grabs a chair. He moves it towards you and shits next to you. He sits in the chair as he man spreads, using one his arms to prop his head up. He looks at you as you continue to ignore him. “What’s wrong?”-
he says in a husky voice sending shivers down your spine. “Nothing”, you say as you continue to ignore him. He sighs then says, “I’m giving you until the count of 5. Tell me what’s wrong before then or else”. You look at him with suspicion and see a look in his eyes.-
You could never really tell what he was thinking, since he was always behind that mask but there was certain times when you could tell. He stared at you dead in the eyes as he sat up and started counting. “1.... 2... 3... 4... 5-“ “okay okay I’ll tell you”, you say as-
you place your phone down. “Just normal things, antis are causing problems again.... people are thirsting over you.... world hunger”, you say as you look down with a blush growing rapidly on your face. You then hear a snicker and look up to see anons hand coming towards-
you face. He then gently caresses you check and ajust your face towards his. He then says,”Awee were you jealous sweetheart”. You look into his deep brown eyes and see this emotion in them. Something you don’t usually see unless he’s working. You suddenly blush-
furiously as you start to feel your face heat up. You then stammer out, “N-no, I’m just tired”. Embarrassed, you try to quickly get out of your seat but your hand is pulled back. You stumble and land on Anons lap. He then smirks, or at least what seems like a smirk and says-
“Who told you your allowed to get up, baby girl. I’ll remind just why you shouldn’t feel jealous”.
The end 😙
If people enjoy it I might do a part 2 👀
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