Before you sell any product, Be sure to Create a customer avatar.

If you have a business, you know of a certain that sales is what keeps it going.

It doesn't matter how great your product is or how fancy your branding is,

Without sales, your business will fail
The mistake many of us make is that we first get the product, and then put it out in the market in the hope that your customers will come.

Many times, this leads to frustration as you find yourself begging people to buy from you.

There is a better way.

A more effective way
And that effective way is to FIRST identify a hungry market way before you even create or source your product.

And the way to do this is to create a Customer Avatar.

Don't fret about the word avatar.

Avatar simply means creating a precise DESCRIPTION of your ideal customer.
It's very simple to do.

So how do you create a customer avatar?

Let's say I want to sell stretch mark removal cream.

Now let's create our customer avatar together. You ready?

First, we are selling to ladies.

So close your eyes and imagine a lady.
Do you notice how hard it is to imagine a lady?

Which lady? Fat? Tall? Married? Slim?

That's what your avatar will help you do. So let's do this.

First, imagine a name for this lady. Let's call her Joy.

Now, her age, say 27 - 40

Education: Joy studied English at Unilag.
Marital status, Joy is married with 2 kids.

Income: Joy works with a media house. TV to be precise

Joy lives in Lagos, Lekki to be precise.

Habit: She is fashion crazy and a make up addict.

Hobbies: she loves to swim. So she wants her skin on display.

Her pain: A flawed skin
Her possible objections: if the product is of quality. She's got the money, she just needs convincing about quality and effectiveness

Where she spends time: Instagram of course. She's a picture freak.

What may attract her: A picture of Tiwa Savage's spotless skin.
Now we have a good description of our avatar. To take things a step further, you can carry out a real research and observe her behaviour.

But let's just say we are good.

So, who is my customer?

Her name is Joy, a 32 year old mother of two, educated, works in a media house
With a stable income, lives in Lekki, make up crazy and loves swimming.

She feels embarrassed by her stretch marks and so wants to get rid of it.

But the problem we will have to fight is convincing her that we are the best she can trust.

Money ain't her problem, trust is.
Now we can go source our product.

Now we can write our salesletter.

Now we can create our video ad to pick her out

Now we can run our ads on various platforms

When she sees our ad, it'll be referring directly to her.

She'll pick up the phone, make the order, and we close her
But there is another very powerful importance of creating a customer avatar:

It helps you attract High-Ticket clients, and believe me, this is where the money is.

What if we sell Joy the stretch mark cream, and go on to sell her other make up items?
What if we become her style Doctor on a monthly contract?

What if, just what if we eventually get her to refer us to her friends at work who are so busy they have no time to look after themselves, and we charge them 10x, 20x, 30x what we charge our regular customers?
A customer avatar gives you direction and helps you choose the right customer for your business and not the other way round.

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