Asperger's Network in Vapor 4 - because I think I can finally do this. A thread. Probably going on for a while.
This isn't ideal
For those playing along at home, it's tlsConfiguration: nil
Well, that was easy!
Ah, relief. Things are back to normal.
So I copied my Vapor 3 code to the new project. Oops.
Committed the code this morning to grab it at work. I've started going through the models. Somehow, I have 68 errors now!
if I have to write @.Field after today, I’m going to scream -- dot so I don't accidentally tag them
35! - I took rather a long break but we're getting there!
Soooo... confession. I ended up scrapping the idea of copying all the code and hoping for the best. But advantageously, that means I now have this:
Been a while since I updated this thread… Guess what…

Our form elements are really quite beautiful… AND they highlight when you focus on them!
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