So, serious question. Let's hope Dems successfully take back both Senate and Presidency this November.

Clearly, it's far too dangerous to try to "go back to 2015 normal" and hope for the best. The cracks in our republic and society are clear. We've survived only due to...
...the incompetence of Trump and his administration. But it's far too dangerous to do nothing; the next such wannabe fascist authoritarian may not be so terrible at, well, everything. And we clearly won't survive THAT one without changes. So to these Dems who take over:
2/'d better start asking yourselves now:

1) How will you prevent another racist fascist minority from taking over control of government again? This will require serious and meaningful structural change.

2) How will you undo the damage already caused? For instance...

the two SCOTUS seats placed by Trump&GOP to level a 5-4 majority there. Will you expand the court? How will you fix that?

3) How will you prevent the next McConnell from being able to weaponize the structural advantage GOP & rural states have in senate?

4) How will you...

...fix the damage to the federal judiciary caused by the train of judges confirmed by GOP senate?

5) How (and how quickly?) will you fix the loss of experts and placement of Trump sycophants at leadership of various gov't entities?

6) It's exceedingly clear that a large...

number of crimes of all manners have been committed by current administration. Historically these don't get aggressively prosecuted for fear of precedent. However, this tradition _itself_ has now been weaponized against us. Will you commit to full prosecution of any and...

all crimes committed by this administration (including trump!) and all abuses of public trust?

If you aren't seriously thinking about each of these NOW, then you are seriously unprepared for the amount of work you have in front of you, and you'll be endangering us further!

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