Rarely do you hear about the juxtaposition between black cops who have to police black folks. Here’s one interaction that happened Saturday night when two black protesters pressed black officers about why they don’t speak out against police brutality.
I walked in when 1 of 4 cops told two black protesters this. “You’re a protester. I’m not going to do anything because you’re protesting, but when you start burning stuff, doing crazy stuff, throwing stuff at people. What do you think you’re going to get back?”
But the protesters wanted them to weigh in on the #GeorgeFloyd, to which the same cop replied, “Yes, we wear uniforms. Yes we took an oath to do certain things but we have feelings just like you.”
He continued. “You are putting all of us in a bottle together. Everybody is not the same. That’s what you have to realize.”
Cop 2 interjects. “Hold up. You don’t think that don’t affect us — somebody that looks like us that’s hurt like that. But y’all come out here calling us slaves.”
Back to Cop 1. “We have an opinion just like you. Do we think what happened was right. No?”
When a protester told cops his brother left the force because he was “complicit in the wrong things,” a 3rd cop said doctors also do the wrong things. Protester responds: When docs “fuck up” other docs say it’s wrong. “When this happens with police officers everybody just....”
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