I’m an advocate for peaceful protests. But when your community is under attack....When your mother, brother, sister, cousin, daughter, son, father, wife, husband, aunt, grandmother, grandfather and/or other loved one has been killed & there isn’t justice, what else is there to do https://twitter.com/hiimdayve/status/1266955787890569216
When the justice system has repeatedly failed you....What would a white male do in this situation? If his community was under attack?
Because white males were storming Capitol buildings just last week to protest wearing a mask which protects other Americans from potentially getting COVID. That’s apparently infringing on their rights? Wearing a mask to better the health of our country?
History might very well earmark COVID as the first time white males felt oppression since the founding fathers looted the ships in the Boston harbor & destroyed $1 million worth of tea (in today’s standards) as a sign of protest.
So it’s no wonder white privilege blinds a lot of people from understanding what’s actually going on in this country. If you think wearing a mask infringes on your rights as an American then just try - really try- to put yourself in someone else’s shoes✌️Peace
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