In November I hope you all remember that your vote is about more than just you. When POC are systemically disenfranchised your vote has been valued more. Support and fund voting initiatives for the disenfranchised. Speak up and support equality in our government.
And on that note. If you use your vote out of concern for only your selfish fiscal views (small gov/repub vote) you are perpetuating an inherently racist form of capitalism. There is no monetary value for a person’s life. Stop valuing objects like they are not easily replaceable
I have more! We as white people have benefited from the oppression of others. for equality and justice to be achieved amplifying those voices means listening to others when we vote. It is an anti-racist act to be inclusive in your politics. To progress we must rectify the past
You are being complicit in conscious or unconscious racism if you allow law makers to continue to oppress minorities for your financial benefit and personal beliefs (DONT be a colonizer). It’s time for people to understand the complexity of false choices that have plagued POC.
POV tweet: I grew up in a very republican household. If you went back in my tweets, I have made many mistakes 🧹. I am sorry for being uneducated in the past. We can all learn. Listen to others and take it upon yourself to deeply understand our societal institutions. Seek justice
And if you have made it through this thread:

I suggest reading

“White-Washing Race: the myth of a colorblind society” by Michael Brown
You can follow @_alexwoodward_.
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