Journalists targeted/attacked by police:

@ryanraiche & journalists he was with peppersprayed
@MichaelAdams317 held down/peppersprayed
@RyanFaircloth car window shot out/injured
@mollyhf teargassed/shot w rubber bullets
@jcreindl peppersprayed
@letsgomathias violently arrested
@Phil_Lewis_ shot w/rubber bullets
@MattMcGorry shot w/projectile
Tom Aviles shot w/rubber bullets/arrested
@keithboykin arrested
@alivelshi shot w/rubber bullet
@KillerMartinis eye shot out w/projectile
@OmarJimenez arrested. 2day crew and producer shot w/rubber bullets
@KaitlinRustWAVE shot with rubber bullets
@jbtcardfan shot w rubber bullets
@MikeGeorgeCBS & crew shot w rubber bullets
@ShotOn35mm punched in stomach
@AndrewBuncombe teargas
@McKenzieMNelson, @iamDSMITH86, @ScottWinkler41
hit by tear gas

@freep journalists, one in the face, also a livestream camera slapped out of one of their hands
@cerisecastle shot w rubber bullets
Julio Ceasar-Chavez @Reuters shot w/rubber bullets along w/Rodney Seward @Reuters security adviser

The count up to here is 26+
@Carolyn_Cole LA Times teargas to face
Unknown cameraman w/ @Carolyn_Cole arrested and unknown additional # of journalists in the group teargassed.
@SimonMoyaSmith @NBCNews Pepper sprayed and arrested w/all press credentials
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